Projets de référence
For a rational and high-quality production of different brake pistons for disk brake calipers of passenger cars, the the German enterprise Erdrich Umformtechnik placed confidence in a flexible assembly line from ASA GmbH, D-Mainhausen. Now some TOX®-C-frame presses equipped with TOX®-ElectricDrives and press force sensors are occupied with the pressing of thrust pieces into brake pistons in a very safe process.
Assembling of thrust pieces into brake pistons
TOX®-ElectricDrive: The Electric Power Modules EPMS 055 have a total stroke of 300 mm and position exactly and with repetitive accuracy at +/- 0,01 mm at working speeds of 0 to 200 mm/s max. Combined with an intelligent Axis-Controller line-X each, and each servo drive module completed by press force sensors and the TOX®softWare, the servo drive modules can be programmed for most different pressing operations.
And three C-Frame table presses of type CMB.
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